Parma - Italy Oct 27 - 30 2026 #cibustec

Logisticamente On Food 2023 – How to compete with effective logistics in the food industry

25.Oct.2023 | 09:30 - 13:00
Sala Barilla (Pad. 1) – Barilla Room (Hall 1)


Piazzale Badalocchio 9/B - 43126 Parma PR


Making efficient logistics in the food sector is probably a much more complex task compared to other industries. The unique characteristics of the products, cost pressures, and the high level of attention to service from most market channels involved make everything more challenging. 
Where do we begin? Quality and efficiency are likely essential ingredients that must be given significant consideration by those designing, implementing, or managing processes and solutions. The concept of quality leads us to identify methodologies and technologies suitable for the particularity of the products. The concept of efficiency guides us to find solutions that maximize productivity and, therefore, minimize the impact of logistics costs on products that, for many reasons, have increasingly lower margins. 
These topics and many others related to them will be discussed at the usual autumn conference of LOGISTICAMENTE, which will take place in person during CIBUS TEC at Fiere di Parma. 

Italian language event

>>For more information and registrations