Parma - Italy Oct 27 - 30 2026 #cibustec

The establishment, in May 1939, of the independent body, named Mostra delle Conserve Alimentari (Food Preserves Show), seals the role of Cibus Tec as the first exhibition worldwide dedicated to food products and related technologies. The innovative spirit was already present at the time: in a panorama dominated by big generic trade shows and a myriad of little market exhibitions, the Parma trade show was proposing itself as a new type of exhibition, based on high specialization, that would become a trend in the post-war period. 

The 1949 edition and subsequent ones marked the beginning of a real take off for the trade show. Beside the growth in terms of exhibitors, mainly from overseas, the trade show strengthened up under several aspects thanks to the opening of new pavilions and the development of new thematic areas. 

Starting from the 60's the show was intensifying it's international relations, taking also part, in a program of exchanges between tech and specialized exhibitions in Paris, Dijon, Ljubljana, Budapest and Nice. 
During spring 1971, the organization of the first edition of Salone delle Industrie Lattiero-Casearie (Show of plants and equipment food dairy industry), the exhibition has defined its center role on another strategic sector of the food industry. 
The 1980's saw the relocation of the fairground to it's actual location, a further push to the define the highly technical nature of the event and the establishment, in 1985, of Cibus - International Food Exhibition. 

In the following decades, Cibus Tec has always confirmed its role among the best international events in the food tech sector, registering a constant growth and a very high rate of satisfaction among exhibitors and visitors. Those results are a mix of a series of changes and operations, including the strengthening of the partnership between Koelnmesse Gmbh and Fiere di Parma SpA, that, on April, 29th, 2016, have constituted the company Koeln Parma Exhibitions Srl, with the aim of organizing Cibus Tec and consolidate its leadership in the food tech industry.