Parma - Italy Oct 27 - 30 2026 #cibustec

100% food quality, perfect for all products and processes: Food Dijon is the new IVG hose.

Capital of Burgundy. Recognized worldwide for its culinary specialties: from prestigious wines to mostarda. But not only.
Dijon is also the new IVG Colbachini food hose.
A 100% Total Food hose, suitable for all food products: milk, oil, chocolate, meat sauces, orange juices, fats, alcohol up to 95°.
The purity of this hose is guaranteed with all layers certified. Produced with high quality compounds that preserve the characteristics of the products conveyed.
It complies with the main international food standards: French standard (Arrêté français 05/08/2020), German (BFR ed. 2021), Japanese (Japan Ministry of Health and Welfare Notification No. 370, 1959) beyond the Italian and US standards and the European regulations. Dijon is Phthalates, PAHs, and Bisphenol A free.
Dijon is suitable for the delivery and suction operations of food fluids: in fixed systems and for loading-unloading in tank trucks transport processes.
An ideal hose for both industrial processes and in small artisan businesses. Available with the “Easy” corrugated cover or smooth one.
It resists temperature variations from -30°C to +100°C and sanitation cycles.
Dijon will also be present at the Cibus Tec exhibition booth L 059 - hall 5, for more information visit

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